Thursday, July 13, 2006

IDAKI 2006!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Part 3) is such a free day.........was intending to go NUS to help out in the float for the RAG event but Rayson my ZAHA grp mates cant make it due to a flu......i decided not to go also.......hahaha.......come on!!!.....ONE FOR ALL, ALL FOR ONE!!!!! yeehaaaaaa!!!! i shall continue with my FOC part 3.........(its Freshman Orientation Camp if u dun know)...........hahaha......this time try have a snack by ur side.........then sit back and ENJOY!!!!!!

well.....this is Sentosa.......YES!!!..........we went all the way to Sentosa but trust me and some of u may Sentosa is not tt far from NUS........i cant even take a short nap on the shuttle bus!!!!.......haha.......watched the world cup the day be4 so was quite shag!!!!!....whahaha.........and this is the start of the event...........with a photo of the whole SDE!!!!!!!!!!!! whahhaha..................

one and three gals stepped on top of me!!!!!!!(take note of theok........and off we go to the first game of the day........and tt is human tower!!!!!!! haha........yes.........and obviously the guys will be at the bottom but guess wat........i was the sui arrow!!)..........holy shit!!!! my back was already half injuried and this HP dropped quite an amount after tt..........haha........hey come on........i admit i am not tt fit ok??........but even if a fit guy might not be able to tahan tt long..........haha........and i have to admit my legs were sort of shaking by the time tiff (the gal who is climbing) got up..........well.....eventually she decided to make a two layer instead of three..........and we nearly lost becos of tt fall.........lucky tiff did not injured tt badly........and i think we r the 2nd last grp..........hahaha.......whew.......and the losing team.........shall do this................row row row.....and row row row........down the small slope to cover themselves in sand totally!!!! whahaha............they look so funny after tt........too bad i dun have the photo of them in sand...........

we played some ball games and fresbie games too but dun have the photo too..........prob everyone was too engross in the games ba......haha...........well........watever.......this is another game which i think it is so obvious to everyone..........tug-of-war!!!!!!..........ahaha.......i am considered i didnt take part in this..........well......we lost though......haha........nothing to do with me.......cos they choose specific no of guys and gals to be fair........think we are sort of a clumsy grp ba..........haha......some pushing some is not a game which we wanna win anyway............hahaha

woohoooo............this is a pics of us doing a stupid indian dance!!!!!!! hahaha.........doesnt even look lyk it right...........look lyk a bunch of fools fooling ard the tree...........dun even know wat we are doing...........whahhahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!

well......we were told to make our NUS logo in 3D form during our 'Amazing Race' in Sentosa.........haha........but we name it 'Amazing Walk' becos it is AMAZING that we can walk in a RACE!!!!!..............whahahahah............actually everyone waas half-dead by we all walk instead of run.........haha...........and we did quite a great job in this, dont u agree???...........hahaha.....dun give me any credit for this cos i am only one of the 'cyclops' ard who only use eyes power to work during personal will know wat i mean.........cos everyone surround the place..........there sure to be some who cant work right?? the few of us just kept quiet and use 'eye power' and the thing is done!!!!!!!!..............whahahahhahahayes and here we the end of the day.............we start with a grp photo.........we end with a grp photo...............SDE ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Zahahahahah..........yeah!!!!!!..........this is my grp in sentosa.........we took these photo while waiting for our shuttle bus.........and the are GUYS POWER!!!!!!!hahaha........i can say the 4 of us are quite close course we are always together in a grp of ourselves and not following the main grp whahahha.........always wander off by ourselves busy chit-chatting until we found out we broke of from the grp.........hahaha.......u might not believe it but we are somehow related to each other........fabien and tommy are in the same pri sch as me!!!!!!!! can u believe tt......not one but 2!!!!!!!! the probability is so small and we meet here in the same grp in the same!!!! is so unbelievable......and the gal we thrown(oh we didnt drop her, though we actually wanted to hahahahaha).......she is same jc as junior 2yrs ago now have become my senior...........hahaha

hmm...........ok tt is all for the 3rd day.............hahaha............yes yes there is more!!!!!!!!! is going to be the last part next continue to stay tune cos more interesting stuff is coming up!!!!!!!!tata!!!!!!!..................


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